Don’t miss out on the fantastic range of high value offers we have at Lituanica Wholesale valid from 1st March to the 31st! While stocks last, so get it whilst it’s there! We have over 90 products on offer for the month of March as we come out of the colder months into the lighter evenings and the hope of Spring!
There are a variety of Biovela Stix flavours, these are a favourite snack when entertaining and a definite best seller! Take a look at the Home Foods Bakery Cherry & Chocolate Cake, freshly baked and hand made to perfect quality on-site in our dedicated bakery! Offer your customers this luxury this March!
The Dadu Ice Creams are now 50% bigger than before, and in 3 amazing flavours, Strawberry, Blackberry and Salted Caramel. These will be huge sellers as we move into warmer months. There are great reductions on the Svalia Curd range too.
At Lituanica we love to bring you excellent value on items your customers will love! Join with us on this Mega March with these fantastic deals!
Lituanica Wholesale On Offer March 2020
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